It is a rare occasion that Rainne has not her hands occupied with some task or another. Her lap may be laden with piles of rich fabrics, fingers stained with stubborn dyes, palms dusty with pale flour, or her curls slick with the sweat of metallurgy -- wherever she may be, she finds occasion to work her craft. Though she is young, she is one of the most experienced merchants who yet ply their trade in Gahlen. Her hundreds of clients are each and every one important to her for how they have helpd her survive.

There are a variety of reasons why Rainne fell naturally into the profession. For a pampered young lady not given to the ways of the road nor the travails of the hunt beyond the vantage point of a sedate mare, she was thoroughly given to a rude shock when informed that in order to forge a name for oneself it was conventional to slay animals and murder foes by way of sword and dagger. It was with most profound relief that she discovered a highly elite union of her family's nemeses -- Merchants. Disdained as common and proclaimed as upstarts and enemies, the Merchants have long had a hateful grudge borne them by Rainne's family and most of their noble company. Having associated in the most intimate of circles, Rainne has long been able to sense that their inordinate and irrational disdain of the Merchant Guild is due to strong undercurrents of fear, for their wealth and political clout. It became obvious to her, upon reaching the esteemed and opulent Guildhouse in Gahlen, that to enlist with her parents' enemies would be the surest way to convince them to leave her for dead and disowned.

Many tribulations have assailed her since she first laid step into the Guild Halls. Having swiftly approached her studies, the other merchants regarded her with much mistrust. Unpleasant confrontations with the administration has been the deepest regret of Rainne's career, for she is constantly frustrated at being unable to convey her lack of intention to undermine the Duke's chosen in a bid for leadership. The Duke has even had occasion to intercede on her behalf, with an invitation for Rainne to join his personal retinue should the persecution not desist -- a benevolent offer Rainne is grateful was not made necessary to accept, for that would likely have reached the ears of her disgraced family, and she would not bring their name more harm than already she has inflicted. Wirevent and Aithne, both leaders Rainne respects to the fullest, have both had reservations about her purposes. She hopes to mend this misunderstanding with time, though several of Rainne's mistakes as a young and inexperienced merchant have further turned them against her and given them opportunity to exact fines ranging in the hundreds of crown.

Nevertheless, her years as a Merchantess has shaped her in her ways of independence while indulging her in some whims of luxury. Rainne has no doubt at all that the rest of her useful life shall be spent in honest occupation as a serving member of the Merchants. She will spend many years ahead walking the streets, peddling wares, concluding deals, almost always in the company of her faithful retinue. In recent days, the most common of figures by her side is the Soldier Cassio, with whom she is rumoured -- but who knows? -- to be in the midst of a passionate love affair with.